“After having seen the phenomenal Disney film “Frozen” with his daughter twice and having heard her listen to songs from the movie many times more, Bob Herzog felt compelled to let his parody pen write “Just Don’t Go” to explain the plight of the Traffic Man in winter. There is a reason he doesn’t s”
“Just Don’t Go” (Parody of “Let It Go” by Idina Menzel from Disney’s “Frozen”)
“After having seen the phenomenal Disney film “Frozen” with his daughter twice and having heard her listen to songs from the movie many times more, Bob Herzog…”
Google Maps and Waze begin sharing features
“Wondering what Google would be doing with Waze after they bought the crowd-sourced mapping service? The web technology company has just announced that Google Maps users will now be getting real-time incident reporting powered by the swift and informative community surrounding Waze.”