“Protecting your privacy online is not an easy thing to do, especially when it comes to the prying eyes of the NSA and other spy agencies that have complex tools at their disposal to help them collect massive amounts of personal data.”
The Cybersecurity Tipping Point
“As we bear witness to the aftermath of major attacks this year against the likes of Target, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus and most recently, Sony, it becomes clear that we are entering an entirely new “war” against cyber crime. Those who do not change their approach will lose.”
12 million home and business routers vulnerable to critical hijacking hack
“More than 12 million routers in homes and small offices are vulnerable to attacks that allow hackers anywhere in the world to monitor user traffic and take administrative control over the devices, researchers said.”
Verizon contacted me on Twitter and asked for my billing password
“On Verizon Wireless’ website, the company advises customers to “[n]ever give your passwords to anyone over the phone, include them in e-mail messages, [or] give them to anyone.” This is good security advice that experts would agree with.”
JPMorgan Chase Hack Affects 76 Million Households
“Updated, 9:03 p.m. | A cyberattack this summer on JPMorgan Chase compromised the accounts of 76 million households and seven million small businesses, a tally that dwarfs previous estimates by the bank and puts the intrusion among the largest ever.”
WPS Makes Your Router Supremely Hackable
“It was over two-and-a-half years ago that we wrote about the dangers of WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), and while we don’t want to pat ourselves on the back too aggressively, it would seem our warnings have been proven right.”
The Apps You Need to Deauthenticate Before Selling Your Devices
“Selling a computer, smartphone, or tablet should be as easy as wiping all your personal data off of it and handing it over to the buyer, but sometimes there are little hidden authentication things you might forget about.”
[OMG Hallelujah] Google No Longer Makes You Sign In Twice When Setting Up Accounts With Two-Factor Authentication Enabled On Android
“When certain things finally happen, they make us want to search for that hidden ladder that takes people up to the rooftop and scream “Hallelujah,” religious or no. This is one of those things.”
How Do I Securely Erase My Phone Before I Sell It?
“Dear Lifehacker, I’m about to sell my phone, and I want to erase my data. Are the built-in methods secure? Could someone with data recovery software still uncover my private information?”
PSA: Factory Resets Don’t Make Your Android Phone Safe to Sell
“If you plan on selling or donating your smartphone and want to make sure all of your data is off of it, make sure you do more than just factory reset through the phone’s OS. Security researchers picked up several phones “wiped” this way, and found tons of data.”