“It was only earlier this month that users found a way to remap the dedicated Bixby hardware button on the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus to anything they wanted. Now, even before the two devices have hit consumers’ hands, Samsung have removed this functionality.”
Chrome now uses scroll anchoring to prevent those annoying page jumps
“The latest update to Google’s Chrome browser makes mobile browsing a bit easier and (hopefully) less frustrating. One of the most annoying things about browsing the web on a phone is that pages tend to jump while they are loading.”
Samsung Premium Care is an enhanced warranty program for the Galaxy S8
“Samsung has officially launched an enhanced warranty program in the US for the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus.”
Google’s AutoDraw turns your clumsy scribbles into art
“Google wants to help you get in touch with your inner Picasso. Today, it’s launching AutoDraw, a web-based tool that uses machine learning to turn your hamfisted doodling into art.”
Microsoft Office vulnerability lets hackers use Word files to install malware
“You might want to be extra careful about what files you open in Word over the next few days: Attackers are exploiting a previously undisclosed vulnerability in Microsoft Office to sneak malware into your system.”
Amazon launches Amazon Cash, a way to shop its site without a bank card
“Amazon this morning announced the launch of Amazon Cash, a new service that allows consumers to add cash to their Amazon.com balance by showing a barcode at a participating retailer, then having the cash applied immediately to their online Amazon account.”
Ford built a baby bed that feels like it’s driving around the neighborhood
“Some babies won’t sleep unless they get a nighttime cruise around the neighborhood, as many parents (my own included) can attest.”
Apple’s Clips app is social video editing that’s simple to a fault
“It was hard to know what to make of Clips at launch. Sure, Apple launches its own standalone apps from time to time, but it’s never offered up anything quite like this.”
Google’s fact check feature goes global and comes to Google Search
“We live in the age of fake news — both the really fake news that’s simply fake and the kind of news that some people like to call “fake” only because they don’t like hard facts.”