“You’re probably on Amazon at least a few times a day stocking up on the essentials, scoring deals on tech and fashion, and even streaming movies, TV shows, and music—so why not turn your online obsession into a job? The company just announced that it plans to create more than 5,000 new part-ti”
Your Preview of Microsoft To-Do
“Today marks an evolution of Wunderlist. We’re excited to announce the Microsoft To-Do Preview, which would not have been possible without the support and input of our Wunderlist fans. To-Do is an intelligent task management app that makes it easy to plan and manage your day.”
These three Windows apps recreate my favorite macOS features
“Avid Verge readers will know of my frustration with Apple’s unsatisfying MacBook Pro update late last year.”
Intel’s next-generation SSD technology is finally ready and it’s really, really fast
“Intel and Micron Technology have been working on a new-generation memory technology since about 2012. It’s called 3D XPoint (not to be confused with 3D NAND), and it’s absurdly fast. A good way to think of it is as a compromise between the speed of DRAM and the capacity of traditional flash storage.”
Send your parents this link the next time they ask which cables to use
“If, like me and a great many of our readers, you’re in charge of tech support in your family, every tool that can simplify the task of sorting out gadget woes in your home is worth adding to your arsenal. My new favorite: DongleDaddy.com.”
How to download your Flickr photo library and transfer it to Google Photos or iCloud Photo library
“After two massive password breaches, the precise future of Yahoo is uncertain from a couple of different angles. Reports indicate that its buyer, Verizon, may have second thoughts or be trying to renegotiate the multi-billion-dollar purchase price.”
How to Take Screenshots of Anything (Even When They’re Blocked)
“Whether you’re showing off your video gaming prowess, trying to fix a problem, or capturing a badly-spelled tweet before it’s deleted from the web, screenshots are an essential part of our digital lives.”
Is Your Digital Life Ready for Your Death?
“You’ve probably thought about what will happen to your finances, your possessions and maybe even your real estate when you die. But what about your Facebook account? Or your hard-drive backups?”
Game over, man! The NES Classic is discontinued planet-wide
“Well, it was fun while it lasted. The NES Classic Edition (it went by several names, but you know what I mean) was the must-have item of the holidays and pretty much ever since, owing to short supply of the compact retro gaming console.”
Apple Music’s Original TV Plans Now Include Potential Shows and Videos From J.J. Abrams and R. Kelly
“Jimmy Iovine, one of the heads of Apple Music, has given multiple interviews and visions for the future of Apple’s streaming music service over the past few months, mainly detailing how Apple Music will morph into “an entire pop cultural experience” with the advent of original video content.”