“For the past four months, WikiLeaks has been slowly publishing a series of documents that describe a plethora of hacking tools, which the anti-secrecy organization says belong to the US Central Intelligence Agency.”
Jet.com is installing Latch access systems in 1,000 NYC apartment buildings for easier deliveries
“Jet, the online retailer bought by Walmart last year, has struck a deal with smart access provider Latch in an effort to make deliveries easier for its customers in urban areas.”
4 ways to avoid the next Petya or WannaCry attack
“Businesses and individuals have been hit by waves of ransomware in the last few months. The WannaCry attack alone affected more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries. Ransomware is malware that locks down an infected computer.”
Top 10 Ways to Stay Safe On Public Wi-Fi Networks
“Free Wi-Fi is a windfall, especially if you’re working from the library or airport, or if you just want to save data on your phone or laptop. Still, you do have to care about security when you’re out and about. Here’s how to surf safely, on any device.”
Here’s how to delete your entire Facebook Messenger inbox
“Whether it’s memes sent between friends or detailed archives of relationships past, Facebook messages can hold a lot of secrets.”
Massive iPhone Leaks Confirm 25 New Features
“This is quite remarkable. Apple’s iPhone 8 may already be the most leaked iPhone in history and we have learned a huge amount about what this potentially game changing phone will deliver. But now two of the world’s most famous leakers have delivered the mother lode…”
Ukraine scrambles to contain new cyber threat after ‘NotPetya’ attack
“KIEV The Ukrainian software firm used as part of last week’s global cyber attack warned on Wednesday that all computers sharing a network with its infected accounting software had been compromised by hackers.”
Alleged hackers behind NotPetya cyberattack demand $260,000 bitcoin ransom
“The Bitcoin wallet controlled by the NotPetya attackers showed surprising signs of life over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, with approximately $10,000 in paid ransom disappearing from the account.”
Victims of the global cyberattack have paid $9,000 so far but can’t get their files back
“The cyberattack broke out on Tuesday, impacting the Ukrainian government and banks, then spreading to a Russian oil company, advertising firm WPP, and other companies around the world.”
How do you take and edit pictures with your phone? [Roundtable]
“There’s more to taking a great pic that mashing the shutter button. Here’s how we do it. Having a great camera on your phone is a must in 2017. Even so-called budget models phones have a decent camera, and the high-end devices from every company in the game can all take some awesome pictures.”