“Verizon on Friday launched My Numbers, a new service that allows customers to manage up to five lines — four of them virtual phone numbers — on a single smartphone via a standalone app. The largest wireless carrier in the U.S.”
FCC allows iPhones and other devices to receive European GPS data for the first time
“Europe brought its own GPS satellite system online in 2016, as it was concerned that the US might switch off civilian access to GPS data in a time of crisis.”
Now it’s easier to protect your browsing privacy on iOS devices with app
“The gold standard for privacy protection on the Internet is to use a VPN service. This encrypts all traffic so your ISP has no way to know which sites you’re visiting or what you’re doing there. But trustworthy VPNs cost money.”
Apple admits there’s a major problem with the iPhone
“In 2017, The iPhone X was hailed as the most revolutionary device Apple had released in almost a decade. But it turns out that the flagship phone released has a very big problem.”
You Can’t Trust BitLocker to Encrypt Your SSD on Windows 10
“Some SSDs advertise support for “hardware encryption.” If you enable BitLocker on Windows, Microsoft trusts your SSD and doesn’t do anything. But researchers have found that many SSDs are doing a terrible job, which means BitLocker isn’t providing secure encryption.”
iPhone XS versus iPhone X – which phone unlocks faster with Face ID
“The iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max are all packing Apple’s second-generation Face ID, an updated version of the biometric authentication system which is supposed to be faster than the version introduced with the iPhone X.”
How to download your Flickr photo library and transfer it to Google Photos or iCloud Photo library
“After two massive password breaches, the precise future of Yahoo is uncertain from a couple of different angles. Reports indicate that its buyer, Verizon, may have second thoughts or be trying to renegotiate the multi-billion-dollar purchase price.”
Latest version of Apple Maps might give Google some serious competition
“Given how competitive Apple and Google are these days, it’s easy to forget that the two companies used to be on particularly good terms.”
Spotify is giving away free Google Home speakers to subscribers — here’s how to get yours
“Who doesn’t like free tech? That’s the question at the heart of Spotify’s new promotion: The music streaming company is offering free Google Home Mini smart speakers to anyone paying for a Spotify Family subscription ($15/month).”