“With iOS 10 on iPhone, you can collaborate in Notes with your friends. This is helpful, especially, for shared grocery or to-do lists. You can create a list of needed household items and everyone else can add the things they need to the same list.”
Google’s Dart programming language returns to the spotlight
“Once upon a time, Google’s Dart programming language seemed ready to take on JavaScript as the default language of the web. Google was even going to give it equal billing with JavaScript in its Chrome browser.”
Chinese Crew Steals iPhone Pics, Hacks Google Nexus, Wins $200,000
“Some of the world’s finest hackers are trying to break into the most widely-used mobile phones on the planet this week, as part of the Pwn2Own contest run by Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) in Japan.”
Google Fiber to pause its rollout of 1Gbps Internet access in US
“Google Fiber, which launched a few years ago with the promise of bringing 1Gbps Internet access to many cities across the US, has decided to curtail its once ambitious expansion plans.”
Xiaomi is finally stepping out of Apple and Samsung’s shadows
“Pretty much all smartphones now resemble iPhones. But in the future, all phones might look like Xiaomi’s newly announced Mi Mix concept phone, which will be available in China starting next month.”
Android 7.1 feature spotlight: Storage now separates System into an entry all of its own
“Android’s storage management has steadily improved over the last few years, with a storage manager added in Marshmallow and adoptable SD cards as well. The next small, iterative improvement arrives in Android 7.”
Amazon’s new Fire TV user interface looks pretty different, and pretty great
“Not that you necessarily needed an excuse to spend more time binge watching your favorite television shows on Amazon, but if you were in search of just one more reason to spend your weekend glued to your computer or television screen, here it is — Amazon has just unveiled its new Fire TV user inte”
Dunk test video shows the Google Pixel is more waterproof than you might think
“As a premium priced device, it’s a bit surprising that the brand new Google Pixel is severely lacking when it comes to its ability to withstand dust and water. In fact, the Google Pixel only sports an IP53 rating which means that it technically isn’t designed to even withstand splashes of water.”
Google’s Pixel survives durability tests, including a bend test, that last year’s Nexus 6P succumbed to
“Ah, the iPhone 6 Plus. Not only was it Apple’s first phablet, but after many owners realized that their shiny, huge new iPhones were bending in their pockets, it also became the phone that truly introduced bend tests to the world.”
Apple sues third-party charger company for selling frauds on Amazon
“An electronics manufacturer tried to take a bite out of Apple’s business, and now Apple is biting back.”