“This isn’t one of those Millennial-bashing articles, a diatribe against an entire generation. The truth is, the age group usually defined as anyone between 18-34 in the year 2015 is hard to pin down. Yet, the one characteristic they all seem to share is a pure hatred of making phone calls.”
How Apple Alienated Mac Loyalists
“To die-hard fans, Apple’s Macintosh sometimes seems like an afterthought these days. Mac upgrades, once a frequent ritual, are few and far between. The Mac Pro, Apple’s marquee computer, hasn’t been refreshed since 2013. The affordable and flexible Mac mini was last upgraded in 2014.”
How to Safely Delete Private Data Forever
“If you’re erasing sensitive files from a computer, you probably want them gone forever and far beyond the reach of data recovery tools. Unfortunately, that’s not what happens all of the time. Here are some simple steps you can take to make sure your files are deleted permanently.”
After having its infrastructure shuttered, CyanogenMod will live on as Lineage
“The days leading up to the holiday have been a real roller coaster ride for Cyanogen fans. Yesterday, Cyanogen Inc.”
How to SIM Unlock the Samsung Galaxy S7
“The Samsung Galaxy S7 is on the path to becoming the best-selling Android smartphone of all time. It is the smooth, fast, and sporty camera that is better than anything Apple has managed to put on the iPhone. Unfortunately, this all comes from hardware that is priced high.”
Phil Schiller Says Apple Working With Consumer Reports To Address MacBook Pro Battery Concerns
“Microsoft does not always do things the right way, few people would argue otherwise. However, Microsoft has traditionally been good at admitting when it drops the ball or otherwise could have done a better job.”
T-Mobile rolls out update that kills Samsung Galaxy Note 7
“T-Mobile is the first major carrier to push an update to remaining Samsung Galaxy Note 7 handsets that will prevent the phone battery from charging. Once updated, the phones will display an on-screen notification about the recall with instructions and they will no longer have the ability to charge.”
‘Dune Case’ for PCs Copies Mac Pro’s Cylindrical Design
“A new Kickstarter project, the “Dune Case,” is offering up a PC case that looks awfully familiar, closely mimicking the well-known cylindrical design of Apple’s Mac Pro.”
Hackers and passwords: Your guide to data breaches
“Oh great, another data breach. That’s what you’re likely to think when a yet another company or organization that had your personal information tells you it’s been hacked.”
Google Wifi review: Wi-Fi that works
“It’s funny to think that the most interesting tech products of 2016 have been routers. The router has transformed from a utilitarian computer hardware with antennas sticking out of it to multiple, sleekly designed pods that are placed throughout your home.”