“Selling a computer, smartphone, or tablet should be as easy as wiping all your personal data off of it and handing it over to the buyer, but sometimes there are little hidden authentication things you might forget about.”
Android How to: Flash the OnePlus One to Stock CyanogenMod 11S
“If you’re anything like me, one of the first things you do with a new phone is modify it.”
Inside Google’s Big Plan to Race Amazon to Your Door
“Google is the undisputed king of search in all but one lucrative and vital category: Product searches.”
How to upload your own file to Google Play Books
“One feature I’m discovering on Google Play Books that I really enjoy is that I get to upload my own files, which I can then read within the Google Play Books app. Just keep in mind that the files should be of the PDF and/or EPUB varieties. The files you upload should also be DRM-free.”
Gmail’s latest move isn’t the end of email, it’s a new beginning
“Everybody loves to hate email. It’s overwhelming, all-encompassing, and perhaps most importantly, lacks the context we’ve come to expect from modern communication apps.”
How to Virtualize Android on Your PC So You Can Try Before You Buy
“You probably know that you can run a desktop operating system in a virtual machine for testing. You can do the same thing for Android, and it’s a great way to test out a phone before you buy it. Here’s how to set it up.”
[OMG Hallelujah] Google No Longer Makes You Sign In Twice When Setting Up Accounts With Two-Factor Authentication Enabled On Android
“When certain things finally happen, they make us want to search for that hidden ladder that takes people up to the rooftop and scream “Hallelujah,” religious or no. This is one of those things.”
Starting October 1, Verizon Will Include Unlimited 4G LTE Customers in “Network Optimization”
“Back in September of 2011, Verizon introduced a new initiative called Network Optimization that only affected unlimited data customers.”
OnePlus One Equals the Best Smartphone You Can Buy for $300
“Mashable Choice highlights the products and services we’ve tested and would recommend to others. Consider it Liked, Favorited, +1’ed and Pinned. The OnePlus One smartphone, made in China with limited availability overseas, hails itself as a “flagship killer.” At $400 unlocked, the 5.”
How Do I Securely Erase My Phone Before I Sell It?
“Dear Lifehacker, I’m about to sell my phone, and I want to erase my data. Are the built-in methods secure? Could someone with data recovery software still uncover my private information?”