“It was 2009 when Apple last released a new operating system on physical media. Things have proceeded remarkably smoothly since version 10.7 switched to download-only installers, but there are still good reasons to want an old, reliable USB stick.”
AT&T To Get iPhone 6-Friendly WiFi Calling In 2015
“The iPhone 6 supports WiFi calling. But does your carrier support it? If you’re in the U.S., the answer to that is probably “not yet”.”
The Apps You Need to Deauthenticate Before Selling Your Devices
“Selling a computer, smartphone, or tablet should be as easy as wiping all your personal data off of it and handing it over to the buyer, but sometimes there are little hidden authentication things you might forget about.”
Apple Publishes The Top 10 Reasons It Rejects Apps
“Whether you’ve ever built an iOS app or not, you’ve probably heard tales of how frustrating it can be to get Apple’s stamp of approval. But why does Apple reject apps? What are the big mistakes that most developers make?”
The latest iPhone 6 leak assembles parts into the best video yet
“There’s been no shortage of parts leaks and even “leaked” iPhones assembled from various parts on the internet in the past few weeks. But the latest leak of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6, from Russian YouTuber user Rozetked, might just be the best we’ve seen so far.”
Judge Rejects Apple Bid for Injunction Against Samsung
“A U.S. judge rejected Apple’s latest bid for a permanent injunction against Samsung in another sign of the diminishing impact of the smartphone patent wars. Apple won a $120 million jury verdict against Samsung earlier this year over three Apple patents. However, U.S.”
Apple’s new spaceship is looking more like a landing site
“When it’s complete, Apple’s Campus 2 will resemble an enormous space disc descended upon the leafy suburbs of Cupertino, but as of today, it’s looking more like a dustbowl landing site.”
How Do I Securely Erase My Phone Before I Sell It?
“Dear Lifehacker, I’m about to sell my phone, and I want to erase my data. Are the built-in methods secure? Could someone with data recovery software still uncover my private information?”
Sunrise’s social calendar app reaches the Mac
“Sunrise has quickly become the calendar app of choice for some people, and for good reason. Besides its straightforward interface and support for all your social networks, it’s one of the few truly multi-platform schedulers you can find — as of this May, it can run on Android, iOS and the web.”