“Jailbreaks have decreased over the last few years. However, last month a mistake by Apple saw a jailbreak for modern iPhones released but it was quickly patched.”
Warning Issued For Apple’s 1.4 Billion iPad And iPhone Users
“With Apple’s (admittedly ugly) iPhone 11 now coming together quickly and recent iOS 12 releases looking rock solid, the company has been on something of a roll. But that just changed.”
Microsoft Releases Defender Anti-Virus For Macs
“Microsoft has confirmed that it is bringing Defender to the Mac, with the anti-virus software being renamed from the more familiar Windows Defender name.”
T-Mobile Shares Tons of Details on Its Home Internet Service, Including Free Router
“T-Mobile is still trying to convince the US government that it should be allowed to merge with Sprint, leaving our country with three major wireless carriers.”
Verizon asks the FCC to let it lock new smartphones for 60 days
“Verizon is asking the Federal Communications Commission to let it keep new smartphones locked to its network for 60 days, as part of an initiative to prevent identity theft and fraud.”
Verizon asks the FCC to let it lock new smartphones for 60 days
“Verizon is asking the Federal Communications Commission to let it keep new smartphones locked to its network for 60 days, as part of an initiative to prevent identity theft and fraud.”
Popular iPhone apps caught recording your screen without permission – here are the offenders
“In an effort to better understand how their customers interact with mobile apps, certain companies employed a third-party analytics data that can record everything you do while inside an application, including every single tap, swipe and text input.”