“Apple manufacturer Foxconn has started building iPhone 11 units in a facility near Chennai in India, TechCrunch reported, the first time Apple has made one of its top-tier phones in that country.”
Apple warns against covering the camera on MacBooks
“Mark Zuckerberg was spotted covering the camera on his own laptop, to prevent unwanted eyes peering through it – but Apple isn’t so keen on the idea. The tech giant this week warned users not to close MacBook laptops with a cover over the camera, MacRumors reported.”
How To Disable Apple And Google’s COVID-19 Notifications On Your Phone
“As the debate around Apple and Google’s COVID-19 contact tracing app framework continues to grow, many people are asking how they can disable it.”
New Apple Security Blow: If You Have An iPhone, Look Away Now
“Apple had been hoping to move past its recent run of security warnings—but no such luck. After a dreadful April, here we are in May with yet another security blow for the hundreds of millions of iOS users around the world.”
EU states ‘being completely held hostage by Google and Apple’ says official
“An EU official has said that Apple and Google are holding EU states hostage. That’s after they rebuffed calls from France and Germany to back their contact tracing solutions. Apple and Google will not accommodate solutions that involve holding personal data on a central server.”
Apple Maps now shows COVID-19 testing sites
“Apple Maps will now show COVID-19 testing sites in all 50 states and Puerto Rico (via TechCrunch). When you search using terms like “COVID-19 test” or “coronavirus test,” places that offer COVID-19 tests will be marked on your map.”
Apple and Google are building a coronavirus tracking system into iOS and Android
“On Friday, Apple and Google announced a system for tracking the spread of the new coronavirus, allowing users to share data through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmissions and approved apps from health organizations.”
Apple acquires popular weather app Dark Sky and will shut down the Android version
“Apple has acquired popular weather app Dark Sky and will be shutting down the Dark Sky Android and Wear OS apps in July, Dark Sky announced in a blog post today. There aren’t any changes coming to Dark Sky for iOS “at this time,” and you can still buy it on the App Store right now for $3.99.”
Apple Issues New Warning Affecting Millions Of iPhone Users
“Apple may be working on the most exciting iPhone in years, but the company has had a rough start to 2020. Having already made one high profile warning impacting shareholders, now the company has made another which will impact millions of iPhone users.”
Stop Paying for YouTube TV Through Apple’s App Store
“If you’re paying for your YouTube TV subscription through Apple’s App Store, now’s the time to switch your payment method. YouTube recently announced that it’s planning to drop support for billing via Apple in March.”