Latest Gmail For Android Update Breaks Third Party Apps

If you’re anything at all like me, then you update your apps as soon as possible; after all, new is always better right? Well those who rely on certain apps and widgets that tie into Gmail may want to hold off.

The latest update for the Gmail Android app packs some performance fixes and battery improvements, but we’re hearing that there’s more to the update than meets the eye.

Certain developers (most notably Federico Carnales, of Launcher Pro fame) were notified a few weeks ago that because of potential security issues, the API used by certain apps to access Gmail messages would be removed in the 2.3.5 update. As a result, most apps that relied on that older API are locking up or force closing whenever they are opened. Even though Google seems to have made efforts to reach out to the developer community, at least a few people were caught by surprise and have updated their app descriptions in the market accordingly.

According to software engineer Chris Banes, the change in question blocks access to the app’s database:

Basically, previously an app just had to declare that they use the READ_GMAIL permission in it’s Manifest and it would all work. Now though, they’ve added the android:protectionLevel=”signature” which means that only the Gmail app itself can access it’s DB (as that’s the only thing which will have the right signature).

via Latest Gmail For Android Update Breaks Third Party Apps | TechCrunch.

No Root Screenshot It App for Android!

Take a screenshot of your phone’s screen. Root is NOT required.


“No Root Screenshot It” is an application that lets you take screenshots of your phone. This application works on ALL phones except Honeycomb. Root is NOT required.

This application is for those users who need to take screenshots, but don’t have root access to their phones

via No Root Screenshot It – Android Market.

HTC ThunderBolt reboot update finally appears to be imminent | Android Central

Might it finally be happening? Might the HTC ThunderBolt finally be getting that long-awaited update to squash the reboots and bring a host of fixes be dropping … soon? Tonight, according to a leaked screen and confirmed by Verizon’s own support site. Build 1.70.605.0 brings:

Improved data connectivity.

Enhanced Call History view.

Reduced number of device power cycles and resets.

Improved Bluetooth Discovery Mode pop-up window.

View App Menu in tabbed layout.

People search function enabled.

Backup Assistant has been added to the All Apps menu.

Preloaded My Verizon, V CAST Music and V CAST Videos.

Desktop cradle App is now available, showing clock in landscape m

NY Times site has been added into the browser bookmarks.

Note that this is not the supposed Gingerbread/Skype update that surfaced last month. So we’ll all have to bang our fists a little longer.

via HTC ThunderBolt reboot update finally appears to be imminent | Android Central.

Hulu Plus arrives in the Android Market, only available for select phones initially | Android Central

With the first phase of the Android rollout, Hulu Plus is available on six phones, including the Nexus One, Nexus S, HTC Inspire 4G, Motorola Droid II, Motorola Droid X, and the Motorola Atrix. We expect to add to the number of Android smartphones and will be making additional device announcements throughout the year.

via Hulu Plus arrives in the Android Market, only available for select phones initially | Android Central.

Samsung releases official video for Wifi Galaxy Tab 10.1, Touchwiz included

Are you looking for an Android Tablet? Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.2 is a good option!

Samsung released their official promotional video for the Galaxy 10.1 today with several Touchwiz elements in tow, notably several widgets and icon skins.  But this is what we expected would happen.

Remember, even though the Tab shipping now is stock honeycomb, Samsung plans on shipping future devices with their Touchwiz UI, as well as offering it to existing customers via an optional over the air download at a future date. Since this is a promotional video for the “final” product, featuring Touchwiz made the most sense because it meant they only had to make one film instead of two.  In fact, the description from the video’s YouTube page says as much:

The official info clip for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi. The tab used in this video is 3G version and may differ from the Galaxy Tab 10.1 sold in the U.S., and some of the features and services highlighted in the video will be available through software upgrade in the U.S.

We’ve received no word from Samsung that Touchwiz was being pushed out to tablets yet, and devices purchased in NYC last week are still running the stock honeycomb they were shipped with.

Be sure to keep an eye on our forums as Android Central readers nationwide pick up their pre-orders and start posting feedback.  In the meantime, crank your speakers to 11 and enjoy the video.

Source: Youtube Thanks Stefan! and

HTC: No more locked bootloaders

Break out the bubbly — HTC CEO Peter Chou just announced via Facebook that they have heard everyone and will no longer be locking the bootloaders of their devices.  Were assuming and hoping this will start with the EVO 3D and the HTC Sensation, and users buying these new HTC phones will no longer depend on luck and skilled hackers to get them more open.Said CEO Peter Chou, via Facebook:”There has been overwhelmingly [sic] customer feedback that people want access to open bootloaders on HTC phones. I want you to know that weve listened. Today, Im confirming we will no longer be locking the bootloaders on our devices. Thanks for your passion, support and patience.”No word on exactly what this will mean for current models that have shipped with bootloader restrictions, or exactly how the new bootloaders will be “unlocked.”  Were reaching out to HTC, and as soon as they give us a statement, well let you know.

via HTC: No more locked bootloaders | Android Central.

HTC Thunderbolt software update now rolling out

HTC Thunderbolt owners, listen up! If you’ve not already received your OTA update then we have good news for you — it’s now rolling out to everyone. Go ahead, check for updates it should be there waiting for you. As noted, the whole process should take about 2 minutes to complete in which case your phone will reboot and you will be all up to date on the software level.

If you all remember this update, from a few weeks back then you’ll know both are one and the same so you can expect better 3G connectivity and GPS along with better organization of SMS and MMS messages. If for any reason you’re having issues, don’t be afraid to hop into the Android Central forums to seek out some help.

via HTC Thunderbolt software update now rolling out | Android Central.

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