“Back in September of 2011, Verizon introduced a new initiative called Network Optimization that only affected unlimited data customers.”
T-Mobile handset unlocking app on its way?
“Just before the Uncarrier 5.0 event last month, we received information from a T-Mobile test engineer telling us that the test version of the upcoming Galaxy Avant came equipped with a device unlocking app. The source told us that the app worked very simply.”
OnePlus One Equals the Best Smartphone You Can Buy for $300
“Mashable Choice highlights the products and services we’ve tested and would recommend to others. Consider it Liked, Favorited, +1’ed and Pinned. The OnePlus One smartphone, made in China with limited availability overseas, hails itself as a “flagship killer.” At $400 unlocked, the 5.”
How Do I Securely Erase My Phone Before I Sell It?
“Dear Lifehacker, I’m about to sell my phone, and I want to erase my data. Are the built-in methods secure? Could someone with data recovery software still uncover my private information?”
PSA: Factory Resets Don’t Make Your Android Phone Safe to Sell
“If you plan on selling or donating your smartphone and want to make sure all of your data is off of it, make sure you do more than just factory reset through the phone’s OS. Security researchers picked up several phones “wiped” this way, and found tons of data.”
Google Makes “Ok Google” System-wide Hotword Detection Official
“Yesterday, after downloading the newest version of Google Search (3.5.14), we discovered that a new setting for system-wide “Ok Google” hotword detection had been placed inside of the application.”
Chromecast Update Introduces An AirPlay-Like Android Mirroring Feature, Photo Backdrops And More
“Chromecast, Google’s popular $35 dongle that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port, letting you stream video and music to your television, received a number of updates today, Google announced this morning at its I/O developer conference.”
Upcoming Android feature reportedly lets nearby devices automatically interact
“Google is said to be working on a new Android feature that allows phones and tablets to automatically connect with devices and places very close around them, according to Android Police.”
How to set up your iCloud email account on Android
“When asked for the IMAP server enter imap.mail.me.com.Your username is the name part of your @icloud.com address.Your password should be the same as your Apple ID password.Certificates should be set to SSL, or SSL (accept all certificates) if you’re having issues connecting.”