“If you use Alexa, Echo, or any other Amazon device, you have only 10 days to opt out of an experiment that leaves your personal privacy and security hanging in the balance. On June 8, the merchant, Web host, and entertainment behemoth will automatically enroll the devices in Amazon Sidewalk.”
Digital Duplicity: The Social Media Purge Exposes Net Neutrality’s True Goal
“For nearly two decades, Silicon Valley made net neutrality its highest policy priority. Under the banner of a “free and open” internet, Google, Facebook, and Twitter sought regulations to ensure the uninterrupted flow of information by treating every bit equally. Or so they said.”
3 essential privacy settings for your Amazon Echo
“Amazon’s Echo is more popular than ever, and despite competition from Google, Amazon still dominates the virtual assistant market. With its ever-growing library of skills, Echo becomes more useful with every passing day. But even as Echo wins over more fans, critics are still skeptical.”
AWS stops largest DDoS attack ever
“Amazon has revealed that its AWS Shield service was able to mitigate the largest DDoS attack ever recorded at 2.3 Tbps back in February of this year.”
Further thaw in Apple-Amazon relations: Alexa will now stream Apple music
“Amazon said Friday that Apple’s music-streaming service will soon be available on its Alexa-powered devices, signaling a further thaw in the relationship between the tech titans.”
Google Drops Bid for Massive Military Cloud Computing Contract Amid Employee Pressure
“Google has dropped out of the competition for a Pentagon cloud computing project that could be worth as much as $10 billion and last up to a decade, citing a possible clash with its corporate values, Bloomberg reported on Monday.”
Amazon debuts Fire TV Recast DVR and Echo Auto in-car system
“Amazon, not content to wrap up a hardware event with all-new appliances and a host of high-end audio products, debuted something of a surprise today: the Fire TV Recast, a DVR for over-the-air television, and the Echo Auto, an Alexa-powered in-car speaker.”
How to listen to what Amazon’s Alexa has recorded in your home
“We’ve got some simple tips you can take to keep Amazon’s Alexa from eavesdropping into your conversations and potentially sharing them. USA TODAY More: Amazon (and Alexa) know a whole lot about you. Here’s how download and delete that info.”
Elaborate hack turned Amazon Echo speakers into spies
“Some people worry that hackers could infiltrate their smart speakers and spy on them, but that hasn’t been the practical reality — not for Amazon’s Echo, at least. A team of researchers from China’s Tencent has come about as close as you can get right now, however.”
Amazon is seeking FCC permission to conduct wireless technology tests
“Last week, Amazon.com filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission, seeking permission to run experiments on a number of frequency bands that might have some connection to the company’s work with delivery drones.”