“Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is reportedly in custody after being arrested near Paris Saturday evening as he was departing his private jet. The billionaire was apparently apprehended on a warrant related to a preliminary investigation, writes Reuters.”
If Your Gmail Inbox Is Full, Here’s How You Can Get Back 15GB of Free Storage
“These days, it’s pretty easy to burn through the 15GB of free storage that comes with your Gmail account.”
‘Hug your IT folks’: The CrowdStrike outage turned technicians into heroes
“It was 3 a.m. Friday when Tyson Morris got a wake-up call that would send him into crisis mode for days. Atlanta’s trains and buses were expected to be running in two hours, but all systems were down, showing the dreaded “blue screen of death.””
5 Things You Can Build With Raspberry Pi Zero
“One popular way to harness the power of a Raspberry Pi Zero is to use it as the heart of a smart speaker, akin to an Amazon Echo or Sonos networked music speaker.”
T-Mobile launches ‘Home Internet Backup’ as its most affordable 5G broadband plan
“On the heels of adding a second tier to its 5G Home Internet in April, T-Mobile has launched another option for those who want a reliable internet backup at an affordable price. T-Mobile Home Internet Backup goes from as low as $20/month for 130GB of 5G data. Nearly 20% of U.S.”
We’ll Miss You: Pioneering instant messaging program ICQ is finally shutting down after nearly 30 years
“There was a time when ICQ—that’s “I Seek You”—was as ubiquitous as mIRC and a good FTP program.”
How to delete the data Google has on you
“Think about everything you do across Chrome, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, and everything else Google owns, and you get some idea of how much data you’re giving up to the company each day. For most of us, it’s… a lot.”
How to Stream Your Phone to a Hotel TV
“It’s hard to imagine a time when hotels didn’t have smart TVs. Not all that long ago, some even made their TVs a selling point, plastering “free HBO” all over their roadside signs.”
How to Upgrade Your ‘Unsupported’ PC to Windows 11
“A lot of people with perfectly good computers cannot upgrade to Windows 11. When Microsoft released the latest version of Windows, it put some stringent minimum system requirements in place, the toughest of which was TPM 2.0 support.”