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How lucky am I!!
Brave is bypassing Google AMP pages because they’re ‘harmful to users’
“Brave announced a new feature for its browser on Tuesday: De-AMP, which automatically jumps past any page rendered with Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages framework and instead takes users straight to the original website.”
How to protect yourself from a SIM-swap attack
“Imagine that you’re sitting at the dinner table, and your phone suddenly comes alive with debit alert after debit alert. You can see the transactions pouring in, and your account balance trickling away, but can do nothing about it.”
We completed the Easter Egg hunt challenge!
The Retiring of the Colors! Bless the men and women who serve our country, so proud! 🇺🇸
They call this a Maple Bacon Churro, oh yes!!
T-Mobile adds extra security to port-out process to avoid SIM swapping
“For customers looking to change providers from T-Mobile, there are about to be extra security measures in place. T-Mobile is adding a new security layer to its port-out process, requiring users to create a PIN.”